Winning tactics for pharma serialization

The need for serialization of medicines is growing, and the industry needs to be prepared. Serialization means that every drug unit will have an assigned barcode that can be scanned at different points during its life cycle. One advantage is that this should help reduce counterfeit drugs entering the supply chain. The other significant benefit is the reduction in product wastage, as all units are accounted for and tracked back to their origin.

Pharma serialization ( has been around since 2010, but only now are organizations like FDA (Food & Drug Administration) seeing it as an important issue due to increased demand from stakeholders such as hospitals or health care providers who want assurance that they’re receiving authentic medications with no risk of tampering or counterfeiting.

How is serialization beneficial for a business?

The answer is simple; barcodes can be used to ensure that products are reaching their intended destination and track a unit’s journey back through its life cycle. This makes it easier for organizations to identify errors in shipping or storage and reduces the wastage of units that have been mishandled. In addition, serialization helps provide safety measures against illegal trading practices such as counterfeiting by ensuring authenticity from start to finish.

What are the costs involved in implementing serialization?

The costs of serialization for pharmaceutical organizations are not as high as you might expect, especially when compared to the long-term benefits. With equipment such as scanners and printers now relatively inexpensive, it’s easy to create a system that can be used throughout your entire business network with little disruption or maintenance required. In addition, there are no ongoing fees associated with using barcodes, so once they’ve been implemented, there won’t be any extra hidden expenses.

When should serialization occur?

Serialization should occur at three different points within a product’s journey; when the batch is created, it enters the supply chain and finally before it leaves your organization. Every unit must also be uniquely identified to ensure that data can be accurately recorded for each product. This will help reduce any errors in your system which could lead to disruption or loss of revenue.

What do I need to implement serialization?

You’ll need four key elements to successfully introduce serialization into your business: software, hardware, processes, and people. Without all four components, you won’t have an effective system, so make sure you’re prepared well ahead of time by finding out what works best for you and then putting together a plan for your serialization initiative.

What are some serialization best practices?

The best way to ensure that serialization is implemented correctly into your business network is to involve all stakeholders from the outset. This includes employees, partners, and suppliers who will help make sure you have a successful process in place for when it’s required. It’s also important to be prepared for the initial set-up stages, as this will help prevent any disruption further down the line. Then, when you’re ready, make sure your serialization plan is communicated clearly with full support from all members of staff and other stakeholders before it can be put into practice.

Serialization is an excellent way to secure your pharmaceutical products at different stages of their journey through the supply chain. In addition, it provides safety measures against illegal practices such as counterfeiting, reduces product wastage, and helps identify errors in shipping or storage, which can ultimately increase revenue for business operations.